吉井 美知子 松岡 知津子
vol.6, pp.159-171, 2011

This report concerns the results and possible future activities regarding the singing contest organized as part of the lnternational Week held by Mie University. The Singing Contest in Foreign Languages is an event where foreign students and Japanese students vie with each other singing in a language other than their native language.By setting the condition that all participants must sing in a language other than their own, this contest ensured that Japanese students and foreign students participated on an equal footing.The participants' countries of origin were Japan (4), China (3), Korea (2), Vietnam (2), Malaysia (1), Thailand (1), and the languages of the songs were Japanese(9), English (2), Italian(1), Galician (1). All foreign students sang in Japanese.Japanese students and foreign students participated in the contest even from thepreparation stages, performing almost all activities other than the judging of thecontest, such as the preparation of the sound systems and others. Judging from the questionnaires received from the participants, there are aspects that could be improved for the future, but the event was an overall success.


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こんな論文どうですか? 歌を通した国際交流イベント : 三重大学第4回国際交流週間2010「外国語のどじまん大会」(吉井 美知子ほか),2011 http://t.co/K7YD02Q9Ed

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