
外部データベース (ISBN)

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[Japan][statistics][fertility][method][reminder] Retherford RD etal (2004) ISBN:0866382003 http://www.stat.go.jp/training/2kenkyu/pdf/zuhyou/owne.pdf rev=ISBN:9780866382434 own children method (同居児法) to estimate ASFR with Population Census
[Japan][statistics][fertility][method][reminder] Retherford RD etal (2004) ISBN:0866382003 http://www.stat.go.jp/training/2kenkyu/pdf/zuhyou/owne.pdf rev=ISBN:9780866382434 own children method (同居児法) to estimate ASFR with Population Census

Twitter (1 users, 1 posts, 0 favorites)

Retherford RD etal (2004) / “CiNii 図書 - Trends in fertility by education in Japan, 1966-2000” http://t.co/4ZOf8PQYBy

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