内田 充範
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.13, pp.1-11, 2020-03-31

内田 充範
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.11, pp.99-109, 2018-02-28

本稿では、まず、2005年3月に示された生活保護自立支援プログラムの基本方針における自立の三類型である経済的自立、日常生活自立、社会生活自立の捉え方が、生活保護自立支援プログラム実施以前の釧路モデルの実践を基盤としていることをモデル事業の構築過程から事業内容及び利用者への効果を分析することで明らかにした。続いて、川崎市「だいJOBセンター」による生活困窮者自立支援制度の実践から、自立の三類型を総合的で継続的な寄り添い型支援へと展開させる中で継承していることを明らかにした。そのうえで、現行の生活保護自立支援プログラム及び生活困窮者自立支援制度の今後の課題を以下のとおり指摘した。生活保護自立支援プログラムの内容が経済的自立に偏重しているという実態がある。日常生活自立及び社会生活自立に関するプログラムは、中長期的な視点から継続的な支援を展開するもので時間及び労力を要するが、自立の三類型を示したプログラム創設時の構想を具現化するためにはプログラム内容を質量ともに充実させていくべきと考える。 また、生活困窮者自立支援制度の課題として、就労準備支援事業の後の就職までの支援プロセスを明確にする必要がある。自立相談支援事業として開始された支援が就労準備支援へとつながり、就労支援を経て就労開始となり、さらには、就労継続支援へとつながる継続的寄り添い型支援が、生活困窮者自立支援制度の中で、一体的に実施されなければならないと考える。Abstract: It is understood that a fundamental policy of self-support program in the livelihood protection system, which was announced in March 2005, was to achieve financial and social selfreliance, and self-reliance in daily life. This paper clarifies 1) that by analyzing the process of constructing model business, the content of a business, and effect on the users, this paper has clarified that the aforementioned understanding was based on practices of the Kushiro model implemented before the 2005 self-support program, and 2) that through a self-reliance support program for the needy that was implemented by" Daiob Center" in Kawasaki City, those three types of self-reliance were being observed during the development into comprehensive, continuous, and overall support program. In addition, the study points out possible future challenges with implementing the existing selfreliance support program in the livelihood protection system and the self-reliance support program for the needy as given below. The current situation shows that the self-reliance support program too much focuses on financial support. A lot of time and efforts are required to implement the support programs for financial selfreliance and self-reliance in daily life because those supports should be rendered from a mediumto-long term perspective. It is apparent, however, that the program content needs to be enriched both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to realize the three types of self-reliance that were envisioned at the time of creation of the support program. One of the issues in the self-reliance support program for the needy is to clarify the support process for the participants who completed the preparation for employment to be actually employed. Those who received a consultation for self-reliance should be supported to prepare for employment, and those prepared for employment should be supported to be employed and start to work. And those who started the work should be supported to be able to hold on to that work. It is believed that such overall support should be rendered in the self-reliance support system for the needy.
内田 充範
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.1-10, 2017-02-28

本研究では、現在、修学を継続している生活保護世帯の定時制高校生へのインタビュー調査の内容について、質的研究の手法を用いて、全日制高等学校に比べて中途退学率の高い定時制高等学校への修学を継続していくためには何が必要かその構造を明らかにした。分析の結果、まず、生活保護世帯の定時制高校生が現在順調に修学を継続している要因として、[自分のことを思ってくれる人の存在]、[環境の変化]、[学習内容の理解]、[就職への意欲]、[自己管理能力の修得]の5項目に整理し、その構造を明らかにした。次に、これらの修学継続要因を促進する支援者のかかわり方から、肯定的または否定しない態度、傾聴の姿勢に基づくパートナーシップ、エコロジカル視点に基づく個別化によるエンパワメント支援、自己肯定感の醸成へとつながるストレングス視点、自己選択・自己決定というソーシャルワーク視点を考察するとともに、それらの視点をふまえて、定時制高校生の修学継続を促進させている家庭、学校、福祉事務所(公的機関)、社会資源から形成されるネットワークモデルを提示した。A qualitative study was conducted to identify what factors evening high school students need in order to keep attending a school with a higher dropout rate as compared to a full-time high school and to reveal the mechanisms of these factors, using the results of interview-based research on evening school students on welfare. As a result of the analysis, five factors that help students who are successfully attending school at present were identified : the existence of a person who cares about the student, environmental change, understanding of the content of school lessons, eagerness to find employment, and acquisition of self-management skills. The mechanism of how these factors work was also defined. Considering the ways in which the supporters who facilitate these factors are involved with the students, the following aspects of support were discussed: a partnership based on a non-judgmental attitude and attentive listening, empowerment support through individualization based on the environment, the perspective of strength that leads to fostering of the sense of selfaffirmation, and the perspective of social work, such as self-choice and self-determination. The network model, comprising the family, school, welfare office (public agency), and social resource, is presented to show how these aspects facilitate the attendance of evening high school students.
内田 充範
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.6, pp.17-26, 2013-03-31

In this paper, a comparative analysis of trainees descriptions and training instructors comments from dailyrecords of the training with 21 supervision elements will be performed in order to make clear the way the social workers, who are the training instructors of the social worker education curriculum, are developing training supervision.As a result, the training instructors begin by building the first half of the training on supportive function. Then, from the middle stage, they develop training supervision by displaying the educative function through implementation of training assignment. Moreover, as far as managerial function is concerned, it is carried outmainly through verification of requirement during pre-assessment visit, verification of the daily program during the training and through a progress control of the training by assessing it afterwards. The link with the evaluation at the end of the training was obvious.As a future challenge, we think that it is necessary to teach concretely to the trainees how to take daily notes about supervision and to require training instructors to take into account supervision in their comments.