キング アリアナ
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.157-166, 2015-03-31

正確で倫理的なメディア環境の追求には,メディアリテラシーだけでは十分ではない。メディアリテラシーは現在のメディアの問題を明らかにする上では非常に重要だが,「メディア能力」の高い社会であっても,非倫理的なメディアに立ち向かうメカニズムがなければ,その能力は制限される。この研究の目標は,メディアリテラシーを学ぶ者に,メディアの倫理性を評価するメカニズムを提案することである。Time Warner,News Corp 等のメディア会社の世界的な拡大と,それに伴う経済的・政治的権力の集中化を考察すると,メディアに投影される意見の多様性の減少が認められる。メディアの右派と左派の分極化や広告費への依存が高まった結果,メディア倫理は社会における重大な問題となりつつある。マス・ニュース・メディアを中心とした,グローバルメディア倫理学の重要性について語り,グローバル・メディアの倫理コードを提案し,メディア倫理への違反行為を分析するフレームワークを紹介する。In the ongoing pursuit of an environment of accurate and ethical media, media literacy alone is insufficient. Media literacy education is of paramount importance in bringing attention to the ethical conundrums facing today’s media. However, a media literate society is extremely limited without a mechanism to confront the “unethical” in the media. This study’s main purpose is to provide a mechanism for students of media literacy to evaluate media ethicality. Considering the global expansion of mass media corporations like Time Warner and News Corp, and the subsequent concentration of their financial and political power, there is a narrowing of the diversity of opinions being represented in the mass media.Moreover, there is an observable polarization of right and left-wing media, and with fewer willing to pay for news services, the mass media is dependent on advertising revenue. As this study postulates, the current state of mass media is characterized by an inclination to appease media investors at the expense of media consumers. This tendency to prioritize financial and political self-interest above all else is the very definition of a media ethics conundrum. Yet, while media literacy education plays an important role in revealing the financial and political bias of the mass media, recognition of the “unethical” alone is not enough to enact change. Focusing specifically on mass news media, this paper asserts the importance of discourse concerning global media ethics. A code of global media ethics is proposed, as well as a framework for evaluating potential breaches of ethics in the media which can be applied in future media literacy education. Through introducing a global media ethics code and a media ethics framework to the media literacy curriculum, it is anticipated that media literac students will be empowered to more actively enforce ethical reporting of the mass media.
キング アリアナ
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.157-166, 2015-03

正確で倫理的なメディア環境の追求には,メディアリテラシーだけでは十分ではない。メディアリテラシーは現在のメディアの問題を明らかにする上では非常に重要だが,「メディア能力」の高い社会であっても,非倫理的なメディアに立ち向かうメカニズムがなければ,その能力は制限される。この研究の目標は,メディアリテラシーを学ぶ者に,メディアの倫理性を評価するメカニズムを提案することである。Time Warner,News Corp 等のメディア会社の世界的な拡大と,それに伴う経済的・政治的権力の集中化を考察すると,メディアに投影される意見の多様性の減少が認められる。メディアの右派と左派の分極化や広告費への依存が高まった結果,メディア倫理は社会における重大な問題となりつつある。マス・ニュース・メディアを中心とした,グローバルメディア倫理学の重要性について語り,グローバル・メディアの倫理コードを提案し,メディア倫理への違反行為を分析するフレームワークを紹介する。In the ongoing pursuit of an environment of accurate and ethical media, media literacy alone is insufficient. Media literacy education is of paramount importance in bringing attention to the ethical conundrums facing today's media. However, a media literate society is extremely limited without a mechanism to confront the "unethical" in the media. This study's main purpose is to provide a mechanism for students of media literacy to evaluate media ethicality. Considering the global expansion of mass media corporations like Time Warner and News Corp, and the subsequent concentration of their financial and political power, there is a narrowing of the diversity of opinions being represented in the mass media.Moreover, there is an observable polarization of right and left-wing media, and with fewer willing to pay for news services, the mass media is dependent on advertising revenue. As this study postulates, the current state of mass media is characterized by an inclination to appease media investors at the expense of media consumers. This tendency to prioritize financial and political self-interest above all else is the very definition of a media ethics conundrum. Yet, while media literacy education plays an important role in revealing the financial and political bias of the mass media, recognition of the "unethical" alone is not enough to enact change. Focusing specifically on mass news media, this paper asserts the importance of discourse concerning global media ethics. A code of global media ethics is proposed, as well as a framework for evaluating potential breaches of ethics in the media which can be applied in future media literacy education. Through introducing a global media ethics code and a media ethics framework to the media literacy curriculum, it is anticipated that media literac students will be empowered to more actively enforce ethical reporting of the mass media.