三宮 真智子 吉倉 和子 Sannomiya Machiko Yoshikura Kazuko ヨシクラ カズコ サンノミヤ マチコ
大阪大学教育学年報 (ISSN:13419595)
no.17, pp.15-30, 2012

冗長な口頭説明がどのようにメモ・伝達されるのか,また, 3 分間の伝達計画時間を与えることが伝達にどう影響するのかを調べる実験を行った.24名の大学生を「計画あり条件」「計画なし条件」の2 群に分け,海外旅行参加者を対象とした説明をメモをとりながら聞かせ,説明会に欠席した友人のために留守番電話に録音するという設定で説明の伝達を求めた.結果として,以下の点が明らかになった.1)情報伝達の量的側面においては両群間の差は認められず,説明に含まれる重要度の高い情報ほどメモされ伝達されていた.2)情報伝達の質的側面においては,計画なし群の伝達に次のような冗長さが認められた:①話の導入・つなぎ,解釈,推測といった発話付加が多い.②情報の体系化度が低く無駄がある.3)質的側面において,計画あり群では,伝達計画時間を利用したメモへの加筆修正により,①情報の明確化および②情報の序列化を行っており,このことが冗長さの低減につながった.4)元の冗長な説明に対して,具体例の豊富さという要因についてはポジティブな印象を,話の非一貫性,未整理な話の展開,要点のわかりにくさという要因についてはネガティブな印象が形成された.The present experiment investigated how a redundant oral explanation is taken notes and transmitted the effects of note-taking and transmission of a redundant oral explanation in two conditions: with- and without-planning time (three minutes) conditions. Twenty-four undergraduates listened to an explanation of traveling abroad in a group tour while taking notes. Half of them were given three minutes of planning time before they transmitted the information to their friends who had missed the explanation. The notes and transmitted speech protocols of both conditions were analyzed. The main results were as follows. (1) Quantitative analysis revealed no difference between the two conditions: Both groups took notes and transmitted them according to the importance of information in the original explanation. (2) Qualitative analysis revealed that the transmitted explanation was more redundant in the without-planning condition: (a) introductory or conjunctive utterances, the participants' own remarks, and conjectures were more added; and (b) the information was less organized, which led to a waste of words. (3) Participants in the with-planning condition specified and arranged the information to be transmitted through an improvement of their notes, which made their transmission less redundant. (4) Participants formed a positive impression on the factor of abundant examples and negative impressions on the factor of inconsistency, disorganized structure, and pointlessness of the original redundant explanation.