下岡 友加
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.77, pp.47-65, 2017-12-25

This paper reprints the text from the novel Mosquito Swarm (1913) by Kikuko Ojima (1879-1956), and introduces its content and features. The publication in which Mosquito Swarm appeared, Taiwanese Patriotic Women, was published during the Japanese imperial rule in Taiwan, and is rarely found today. A complete set of issues has yet to be discovered. Thus, the contributions made by Kikuko Ojima have never been properly ascertained. This paper reveals that Ojima contributed at least 16 volumes of works to this magazine. The heroines of Ojima's novels often rebel against traditional familial systems. However, Mosquito Swarm establishes a heroine with completely opposite values, and is considered a literary work that illustrates the breadth in Ojima's writing.本稿は、JSPS科研費JP17K02452の助成を受けた研究成果の一部である。