薮木 登 中山 秀延 西原 貴大 鷲見 育亮 築谷 隆雄
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College (ISSN:02877066)
no.57, pp.25-32, 2016-03-25

We propose an eye-gaze control system using multiple network cameras to reduce the burden of users. The proposed eye-gaze system is a remote control system that allows the users to control appliances by gazing at the electrical appliances. The proposed system is composed of a block of Face Detector, Camera Controller, Eye-gaze Detector and Remote Controller. And the proposed system was added methods of a face judgment and a new eye-gaze detection. Therefore, it can be freely installed using the method in which multiple network cameras have been proposed. The operation of the proposed system was confirmed by some experiments.