薮木 登 中山 秀延 西原 貴大 鷲見 育亮 築谷 隆雄
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College (ISSN:02877066)
no.57, pp.25-32, 2016-03-25

We propose an eye-gaze control system using multiple network cameras to reduce the burden of users. The proposed eye-gaze system is a remote control system that allows the users to control appliances by gazing at the electrical appliances. The proposed system is composed of a block of Face Detector, Camera Controller, Eye-gaze Detector and Remote Controller. And the proposed system was added methods of a face judgment and a new eye-gaze detection. Therefore, it can be freely installed using the method in which multiple network cameras have been proposed. The operation of the proposed system was confirmed by some experiments.
菊地 洋右
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College (ISSN:02877066)
vol.61, pp.17-24, 2020-03-30

We propose a mathematical model of criminal action. This paper deals with mathematical modeling of action of murder cases. Our model seems to be reasonable since our verification, and needs to improve for some murder cases.