中山 顕 桑原 不二朗

生体組織における有効熱伝導率に対する血流速度の影響を検討すべく実験を行った.被験者の腕を,カフを用いて一定の圧力で締め付けることで,血行を制御した.血流速度を血流レーザードップラーで測ると共に,サーモグラフィ,熱電対およびリアルタイム血流画像化装置を用いて,周囲温度,皮膚表面温度およびPerfusion Unit 値の計測を実施した.併せて,我々が導いた生体組織の伝熱の式を用い,マルチスケール解析モデルに基づく数値シミュレーションを実施した結果,シミュレーション結果と計測結果との間に良好な一致を見た.これらにより,実験と理論の両側面から,血行が生体組織の温度場に与える影響を明らかにした.
高木 繁幸 古城 信人 中山 顕児 相葉 宏之 Takagi Shigeyuki Kojo Nobuto Nakayama Kenji Aiba Hiroyuki 琉球大学保健学部附属病院脳神経外科
琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (ISSN:02859270)
vol.3, no.1, pp.28-35, 1980

Eleven cases were diagnosed as Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) and performed shunt therapy in our hospital over a four-year period. They were analyzed on factors considered to exert influence upon the shunt effect. Many successful cases of the therapy were found among patients not more than 60 years old, although the therapy displayed a remarkable effect on a 77 year-old patient. Eight patients had etiology of NPH. Of then, six were affected with subarachnoid hemorrhage. And other three patients had on etiology. There was no relationship between the shunt effect and the type of etiology of NPH. The time interval between the onset of symptoms of NPH and the performance of shunt therapy was two months on the average in the effective cases and 7.5 months on the average in the ineffective cases. Therefore, the shorter this interval, the more satisfactory the results of this therapy tended to be. There was no relationship between clincal symptoms and the effect of operation. It was necessary, however, to be very careful about the apphcation of shunt therapy to patients with mental symptoms alone. CT scanning was most important as an auxiliary test. Even in patients with dilated ventricle and periventricular low density, shunt operation was ineffective when the patients had brain atrophy and injuries of the brain. Postoperative complication was seen in two patients. It was an injury of blood vessels induced at the time of insertion of ventricular tube. The injury led subdural, intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage. In conclusion, shunt therapy should be indicated after careful selection of a causative disease, the minute observation of clinical symptoms and the findings of auxiliary tests, especially CT scanning. It seems necessary to evade an insignificant operation of shunt therapy.