中津 正樹 藤木 淳
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.121-130, 2023 (Released:2023-06-30)

This research proposes a mirror work in which reflected image changes by inducing the viewer to move their body, even though the work itself and the entity that generates the image are stationary. The change in reflected image is triggered by the position of the viewer, which encourages the viewer to continuously move their body. This is intended to create an active and sustained viewing experience. The questionnaire conducted at the time of the exhibition confirmed the descriptions of the viewing of the artworks that involved physical movement during viewing. In addition, the behavioral observation of the viewers confirmed that they moved their bodies several times. This indicates that this proposal has achieved its goal of promoting an active and sustained viewing experience.