長谷川 洋 尾藤 昭二 藤原 正昭 大槻 秀夫 中田 宗朝 小橋 二郎
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.23, no.11, pp.891-895, 1983 (Released:2006-11-10)
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Three cases in which massive pneumocephalus caused a grave postoperative neurological deterioration are presented. Two of the three patients underwent suboccipital craniectomy for posterior fossa tumors. One patient developed tension pneumocephalus immediately after the surgery due to uncontrolled drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during surgery and prolonged use of nitrous oxide for anesthesia. The other patient developed massive pneumocephalus the day after the surgery, caused by excess drainage of CSF from an epidural drain and entry of air from the ventriculostomy. The third patient developed tension pneumocephalus following surgery for large bilateral chronic subdural hematomas due to failure of re-expansion of the chronically compressed brain and plugging of the drainage tube. All three patients were successfully treated by aspiration of air under pressure and replacement of air with normal saline. Tension pneumocephalus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute postoperative neurological deterioration, especially in the presence of a CSF drainage device.
宮城 航一 六川 二郎 高良 英一 中田 宗朝 金城 則雄 堀川 恭偉 久田 均 銘苅 晋 Miyagi Kouich Mukawa Jiro Takara Eiichi Nakata Munetomo Kinjo Norio Horikawa Kyoi Kuda Hitoshi Mekaru Susumu 琉球大学脳神経外科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.8, no.3, pp.122-131, 1985

A statistical survey of 268 cases of the central nervous system neoplasm, diagnosed at 7 neurosursical centers in Okinawa prefecture in Japan. 268 intracranial neoplasms occured during the period of 5-years between 1980 and 1984. 243 were primary intracranial neoplasms and 25 were metastatic tumors. The primary intracranial neoplasms had an estimated annual incidence rate 4.3 per 100,000 population. The rate was higher in women than men (5.01 versus 3.55). The incidence reaches steadily to a peak in the 6th decade. Over the age 60, the ratio of the incidence is composed of 3Q.9%. Out of the 243 primary neoplasms, tumors of neuroepithelial tissue occupied 32.9%, meningioma 32.9%, tumors of nerve sheath cells 4.9%, pituitary adenoma 14.0%, congenial tumors 4.1%, vascular tumor 2.5% and primary sarcoma 2.1%.It is stressed that, in Okinawa prefecture the incidence of meningioma and the ratio in the aged, over 60 are higher compared with all Japan.