高瀬 和之 小瀬 裕男 久米 悦雄 秋本 肇
The Visualization Society of Japan
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.20, no.1, pp.113-114, 2000

Numerical analyses on thermal-hydraulic characteristics in fusion reactors at accident events such as ICE (Ingress-of-Coolant Event) and LOVA (Loss-of-Vacuum Event) were carried out due to make sure adequacy of the safety design in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) and the results were visualized numerically to enhance the understanding of physical phenomena during ICE and LOVA events. Relation between pressure rise and void fraction in ITER at the ICE event was obtained with a TRAC code. Air-ingress behavior into water was also clarified quantitatively with a CIP code. Furthermore, exchange flow and dust mobilization behavior through breaches on the fusion reactor during the LOVA event were analyzed based on equations of compressible fluid and dust momentum. It was found from the results of present numerical visualization that a suppression tank system which will be used in ITER is very effective and the ITER pressure suppression system during ICE and LOVA events is adequate.