二宮 俊作
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.10, no.4, pp.594-614, 1960-07-01 (Released:2009-10-21)

Fifty four newborns, 659 female and 774 male sucklings with mormal hip joints, and 220 female and 40 male sucklings with congenital hip dislocation were investigated for the skincrease on the medial side of the thigh, with the following results : 1) This crease is produced in the foetus by adducting force, exerted on the flexion of the hip and knee joint, and disappears in about 2 years after birth. This is dfferent from other skin-creases in this respect, and therefore can adequately be named “forced skincrease”.2) The skin-crease which is found under inguinal groove nearly in parallel with it disappears relatively early.3) Symmetry or asymmetry of these creases respectively found on the two thighs can not have any diagnostic significance.4) When the skin-creases respsctively found on the both thighs are asymmetry under the inguinal grooves, or when they are asymmetry, being respectively found a little higher and lower than the middle parts of the thighs, or when they are asymmetry, two being found slightly above and below the middle part of one thigh, and one on the middle part of the other thigh, there is strong suspicion of dislocation.