伊豆蔵 庫喜
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.38, pp.1-8, 2008

This paper considers the change of the samurai's premises in Nakano-Baba through 'FUKUI ZOUKA-EZU'. The number of premises was 43pituin KeicholS years, and it was 35pituat the late of Edo period. The allotment of the premises had been changed twice greatly for reasons that made an alteration to the vegetable garden ground in Kanbun9 years and formed drill place (Tyorenzyo) in that place in Kaei5 years. At the time of feudal lord change at the Kanei first year, the premises substitute changed greatly. Afterwards that number existed many between Syoutoku4 years and Kanbun9 years. After the Anei4 years, the premises along street were occupied by Yoriarseki and Zyozabangai-seki.