佐々木 瑞枝
横浜国立大学留学生センター紀要 (ISSN:13406493)
vol.1, pp.38-54, 1994-01

The 'Communicative Approach', originated in Europe in the 1960's, encompasses a variety of methods that apply new concepts in the field of foreign language teaching. This term literally refers to a combination of language teaching approaches that aim to improve communicative language skills, discourse skills, and social linguistic skills. In Japan, for the last 40 years, the audio-lingual method, which emphasizes drilling and memorization, has been the main focus of elementary Japanese language teaching. But this authorized teaching method has come under criticism in recent years, and this has caused a certain amount of consternation amongst Japanese teachers accustomed to the previously established teaching system. This paper will propose a new style of teaching which combines the best of audio-lingual method and the communicative approach.