3 0 0 0 OA ぱいしくる

前田 将希 池上 陽一郎 久保田 彰 佐藤 文宏
vol.2015, pp.390-392, 2015-09-18

日本のドラマや漫画で甘酸っぱい青春シーンの定番と言えば,自転車 2 人乗りである.誰しも一度は憧れるが,気恥 ずかしさに邪魔をされたり,そもそも道交法違反であったりと実行に移すのは難しい.そこで本企画では,腰に回さ れる腕,予期せぬスキンシップ,ドキドキを生む不安定なバランスという 2 人乗りの必須要素を自転車型装置で再現 し,擬似青春体験を提供することを目的とする.また,女性には本企画を通して男性が求める女性の理想像に触れて もらい,参考にしてもらうことを目指す.
佐藤 文宏 冨永 登夢 土方 嘉徳 酒田 信親 西田 正吾
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.29, no.8, pp.355-361, 2016

<p>Our previous study designed interactive floor projection system with hands and toes input in terms of quick and light input system. This system lets user interact with floor projection by pointing the finger or stepping on projection image. It allows to realize floor interaction without using even a single hands.</p><p>However, in this system, it is difficult for user to input by toes to desired position precisely because of low accuracy of toe detection. In this paper, we propose a new toe detection method by means of implementing a leg model to improve the accuracy of toe detection. The model signifies human leg. It consists of three joints and; thigh, cnemis and foot length. Moreover, we conduct user study to investigate accuracy of toe detection compared with proposed and previous method. As a result, proposed method can detect toe position with higher accuracy than previous method.</p>
佐藤 文宏 松田 大輝 酒田 信親 西田 正吾
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.163-171, 2015

Wearable projection systems enable hands-free viewing via large projected screens, and eliminating the need to hold devices. These systems need a surface of projection and interaction. However, in case of choosing a wall as the projection surface, users have to be positioned in front of the wall when they wish to access information. In this paper, we propose a wearable input/output interface for floor projection system composed of a mobile projector, a depth sensor and a gyro sensor. It allows user to conduct "select" and "drag" operation by footing and fingertips controlling in the projected image on floor. Also it can provide user more efficient GUI operations on floor with combining hand and toe input. To confirm advantage and limitations of the system, we conduct user study. Finally we suggest guidelines and identify some problems when designing an interface for the interaction between the hand/toe and the floor. We also suggest the input method which uses both a finger and a toe.