日下部 修介 田村 大輔 小竹 宏朋 作 誠太郎 本間 文将 村松 泰徳 堀田 正人
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.56, no.4, pp.353-359, 2013-08-31 (Released:2017-04-28)

目的:本研究の目的は,口腔ケアに用いる至適カテキン粉末緑茶濃度,口腔内細菌に対する抗菌性,およびカテキンの口腔内細菌に及ぼす影響について検討することである.材料と方法:本実験では,供試したカテキンとしてカテキン粉末緑茶(以下,カテキン),供試細菌としてStreptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguinisを用いた.抗菌性試験においては,カテキン濃度を1.9, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25g/lとなるようTSBY培地に混和して平面培地を作製し,これらに菌液を摂取し,嫌気条件下にて37℃,48時間培養し,最小発育阻止濃度を判定した.また,カテキンの口腔内細菌に及ぼす影響についてSEMおよびTEM(ネガティブ染色)を用いて,S. mutans, S. sanguinisの菌液を1.9g/lに調整したカテキン溶液に滴下後1時間および3時間の細菌の状態を観察した.結果:抗菌性試験として,1.9g/lのカテキン含有TSBY培地に細菌発育が認められなかった.カテキンのS. mutansに対するMICは1.9g/l, S. sanguinisは0.25g/lであった.SEMによる観察では,カテキンを作用したS. mutansおよびS. sanguinisは,1時間および3時間作用後における菌数が少なく,残存している菌体の形態変化が認められる傾向にあった.TEM観察においても,カテキンを作用させた細菌の形態変化が観察された.結論:以上のことから,カテキン粉末緑茶は口腔内細菌に対して抗菌効果を有し,口腔ケアとそれに伴う局所的および全身的疾患の予防に有益であることが示唆された.
田本 晃生 作 誠太郎 山本 宏治
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.49, no.5, pp.658-668, 2006

Objective: This study examined the characteristics of flowable composite-resins containing improved S-PRG filler. Materials and Methods: The tested materials were Beautifil High flow F10 (BF10-resin) and Beautifil Low Flow F02 (BF02-resin), both of them containing improved S-PRG filler, and the control materials were Unifil Flow (Un-resin) and Metafil Flo (Me-resin). Resin blocks were prepared using a metal mold followed by their bonding on both upper first molars. The blocks were debonded at 8, 12 and 24 hrs, respectively and antiplaque test was carried out including SEM observation and energy dispersive X-ray micro analysis. Furthermore, observation of saliva proteins on each resin surface and albumin adsorption probe was performed. Concerning the cavity wall adaptability test, cavities were prepared in two different manners: by Er: YAG laser and diamond burr mounted in a high-speed hand-piece. Then the preparations were filled with the corresponding material according to each manufacturer's recommendation and the cavity wall adaptability was analyzed. Results: One of the most important findings was that BF10 and BF02-resing exhibited almost no bacterial adhesion. The energy dispersive X-ray micro analysis revealed the presence of elements such as Al, Si, and Sr of the improved S-PRG filler. Also, only in BF10 and BF02-resins the film layer was observed on their surfaces soaked in albumin solution. The albumin adsorption was higher in BF10 and BF02-resins than control materials. Overall, the cavity wall adaptation was suitable for all materials, unless BF02-resin showed a creck when the cavity was prepared by Er: YAG laser. Conclusions: BF10 and BF02-resins presented appropriate characteristics and were useful for the treatment of caries; moreover they offered an anti-plaque property suggestion that the application of these materials is suitable as a minimal intervention approach.