鈴木 昭 吉田 美香子 八木 茜 岩下 あいり 山田 亜由子 中村 朋美 渡部 茂
小児口腔外科 (ISSN:09175261)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-181, 2010-12-25 (Released:2014-07-18)

We report the case of an eight-year-old girl who had dysplasia of the teeth, suspected to be induced by chemotherapy. The patient was born at full term by normal delivery, and was diagnosed to have neuroblastoma (stage IV-S) by ultrasonography. Tumor resection was performed 15 days after birth, and chemotherapy was performed for 12 months after that. She has had a good prognosis since then.   The examination of the oral cavity revealed morphological abnormalities of the crowns of the right and left upper central incisors. X-ray showed findings of morphological abnormalities of the four central incisors and deficiencies in tooth germs of the right and left lower lateral incisors.   The dysplasia of the teeth in this patient was considered to be caused by chemotherapy, because the period of chemotherapy doses coincided with the formation period of those teeth.