中山 アヤコ 冨田 史子 齋木 このみ 近藤 東臣 砂田 久一 岡本 浩一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.5, pp.375-382, 2006-05-10 (Released:2007-11-09)
4 3

We examined various pharmacokinetic parameters of progesterone (P) after its administration in a vaginal suppository to healthy females and compared these parameters with those after injection of P at different sites, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the P vaginal suppository. The increase in the blood P concentration after administering it in the vaginal suppository was similar to that for injecting P (25 mg) into the gluteal region. Since the P vaginal suppository is a useful P preparation and can be readily used, it can be the dosage form of first choice in P replacement therapy. In addition, since our basic experiment suggested that there was a circadian rhythm in the blood P concentration, it may be possible to determine the optimum administration time for maintaining the blood P concentration based on this rhythm.