大鳥 徹 井上 知美 細見 光一 中川 博之 高島 敬子 近藤 尚美 高田 亜美 伊藤 栄次 中山 隆志 和田 哲幸 石渡 俊二 前川 智弘 船上 仁範 中村 真也 窪田 愛恵 平出 敦 松山 賢治 西田 升三
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.35, no.2, pp.94-101, 2016-12-10 (Released:2017-02-09)

In the areas of home medical care and self-medication, the role of the pharmacist is growing, partly as a result of Japan’s aging society and the need to reduce medical costs. In response, the Kinki University Faculty of Pharmacy implemented a physical assessment practical training seminar in order to improve the physical assessment skills of practicing pharmacists. A series of questionnaires were conducted among pharmacists to investigate their perceptions of physical assessment practical training seminars. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using Customer Satisfaction (CS) analysis and text mining. Based on a 5-point scale (1-low∼5-high), questionnaires revealed satisfaction for physical assessment practical training seminars was 4.6±0.6 (Ave.±S.D.). CS analysis revealed that the items “lectures” and “case seminars” had the highest level of satisfaction. However, items showing low levels of satisfaction were “auscultation of respiratory sounds” and “SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation).” Results of text mining suggested a relationship between “physical assessment” and “difficult”. Analysis of the questionnaires showed a high level satisfaction with physical assessment practical training seminars, notably physical assessment practice methods. However, CS analysis and text mining indicate the finer techniques of physical assessment were difficult to acquire.
前川 智 新澤 真理 原田 大
pp.460-466, 2021-04-20

【ポイント】◆内視鏡的胃内バルーン留置術は,BMIが27 kg/m2以上の肥満患者に対する減量を目的として,内視鏡を用いて胃の中に直径が約10 cmのバルーンを留置する術式のことである.◆物理的な胃内容量の減少と機能的な胃内容の排泄遅延によって,摂食量を減少させることで減量効果を期待する治療法であり,穹窿部にバルーンを留置することが望ましい.◆完全に可逆的な治療法であるため,十分な効果が得られるためには,バルーン留置中および留置後の食事指導が重要となる.*本論文中、[▶動画]マークのある図につきましては、関連する動画を見ることができます(公開期間:2024年4月末まで)。