大鳥 徹 井上 知美 細見 光一 中川 博之 高島 敬子 近藤 尚美 高田 亜美 伊藤 栄次 中山 隆志 和田 哲幸 石渡 俊二 前川 智弘 船上 仁範 中村 真也 窪田 愛恵 平出 敦 松山 賢治 西田 升三
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.35, no.2, pp.94-101, 2016-12-10 (Released:2017-02-09)

In the areas of home medical care and self-medication, the role of the pharmacist is growing, partly as a result of Japan’s aging society and the need to reduce medical costs. In response, the Kinki University Faculty of Pharmacy implemented a physical assessment practical training seminar in order to improve the physical assessment skills of practicing pharmacists. A series of questionnaires were conducted among pharmacists to investigate their perceptions of physical assessment practical training seminars. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using Customer Satisfaction (CS) analysis and text mining. Based on a 5-point scale (1-low∼5-high), questionnaires revealed satisfaction for physical assessment practical training seminars was 4.6±0.6 (Ave.±S.D.). CS analysis revealed that the items “lectures” and “case seminars” had the highest level of satisfaction. However, items showing low levels of satisfaction were “auscultation of respiratory sounds” and “SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation).” Results of text mining suggested a relationship between “physical assessment” and “difficult”. Analysis of the questionnaires showed a high level satisfaction with physical assessment practical training seminars, notably physical assessment practice methods. However, CS analysis and text mining indicate the finer techniques of physical assessment were difficult to acquire.
井上 知美 八重樫 柊穂 久川 隆造 石渡 俊二 野々木 宏 小竹 武
Japan Disaster Medicine Education and Training association
Journal of Clinical Simulation Research (ISSN:2433054X)
vol.7, pp.19-24, 2017 (Released:2022-11-18)

1人1体のマネキンを使用した「アメリカ心臓協会(AHA)ファミリー&フレンズコース」を実施し,心肺蘇生(CPR)手技測定システムにより胸骨圧迫手技を評価した。胸骨圧迫について実習後有意に手技が向上した(平均深さ 前:43.22±10.8mm,後:50.5±7.2 mm,p<0.05)。実習前後ともに,「適切な手の位置」および「完全な圧迫解除」の実施率は,女性において有意に実施率が高かった(p<O.05)。「適切な深さ」での実施率,胸骨圧迫の平均深さおよび平均テンポについては実習前後ともに男性の実施率が高く,深さ,テンポについても女性より有意に深く,早いことが認められた(p<O.05)。胸骨圧迫の平均テンポと平均深さを3群に分類した割合を検討した結果,実習前の女性についてのみ有意差が認められ(p<O.05),胸骨圧迫のテンポが早い群が,深さが深い傾向となった。実習実施により手技の向上が示されたが,胸骨圧迫において平均深さが50mm未満である女性が57.1%認められたことから,体力的な要因も考慮した圧迫手技の習得可能な実習内容の検討が必要と考えられた。今後,ガイドラインの変更点を強調した実習内容での手技の習得の検討をするとともに,手技の評価検証方法や,手技の維持について再トレーニングの時期の検証をする必要があると考える。
小竹 武 松本 優里香 塚本 あゆみ 井上 知美 石渡 俊二 草薙 みか 坂野 千賀 大里 恭章 伊藤 吉將 長井 紀章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.11, pp.786-792, 2015-11-10 (Released:2016-11-10)

We investigated whether the component in cataplasm transmitted into hemorrhoid ointment in the combined storage of hemorrhoid ointment and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cataplasm. The NSAIDs cataplasm was used as a commercially available methyl salicylate (MS reishippu “TAIHO”, MS cataplasm) and indomethacin (Catlep®, IMC cataplasm) cataplasm. In addition, the hemorrhoid ointment was in a polyethylene container with (Neriproct® ointment, DFV-L ointment) or without aluminum laminate (Posterisan® forte, HC ointment). As for the methyl salicylate, 5.68 mg / pieces in HC ointment were detected at 40 weeks of combined storage with MS cataplasm. The methyl salicylate concentration in DFV-L ointment was lower than that in HC ointment under the same conditions. On the other hand, no contamination of indomethacin in HC and DFV-L ointment was observed in the combined storage with IMC cataplasm. These results show that the methyl salicylate in cataplasm passed the polyethylene container, and provide significant information on the risk of contamination by the combined storage of cataplasm and hemorrhoid ointment.