前田 剛司 坂田 洋
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.495-501, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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The injection auto ample dispensing equipment, combined with an ordering system, was established at the Kasugai Municipal Hospital. This equipment enabled us to give a patient one injection per prescription unit out of approximately 400 different prescriptions. In the hospital, this is now available in every ward except in the ICU. This system has been functioning favorably since its installation : it accurately produces prescriptions for injections, written instructions for injections, and labels for infusion bottles. Due to these traits, the people who work in the wards think highly of this system.A safety control system to prevent medical mishaps has been established because drug duplications and interactions with all types of medications can be checked with the injection auto ample dispensing equipment before administering injections to patients. However, we still have some problems to solve : namely, we still have to check the incompatibility and maintain the stability in mixing injection drugs.