前野 澄子
鎌倉女子大学紀要 (ISSN:09199780)
no.12, pp.63-70, 2005-03

John Schumann studied the progress of English language acquisition by Alberto, an immigrant from Puerto Rico. After ten months of research, Schumann found that Alberto showed little progress. Alberto's utterances were strikingly similar to pidgin English, baby talk or foreigner talk. After studying Alberto, Schumann proposed his Pidginization Hypothesis of second language acquisition. In the current climate where English is becoming regarded as a world language and non-speakers of English use English as a communication tool, Schumann's hypothesis seems to shed a new light on the study of changing English.
前野 澄子 Sumiko MAENO
鎌倉女子大学紀要 = The journal of Kamakura Women's University (ISSN:09199780)
no.10, pp.159-165, 2003-03-31

19世紀におけるイギリスのアジア,アフリカヘの植民地政策,さらに20世紀後半のアメリカ合衆国の世界における政治・経済力の増大という二つの要因により,英語は世界共通語の地位を得たかに見える。英語は世界各地で使用され,それは必然的に地域の言語,社会文化の特性を色濃く反映した数多くの変種英語を生み出すこととなった。変種英語は言語学的にも英語の方言として認められ,世界中でこの分野の研究が盛んに行われている。今,英語は英語圏内外で大きな変容の時にある。英語の未来はいかなるものか,それが日本に及ぼす影響はいかなるものか。本稿では最近の文献を中心に本問題を概観する。The English language gained the status of a global language in the mid 20th century. As English has come to be used in various parts of the world, many modified Englishes have been born. These Englishes strongly reflect the culture of the local people. These varied Englishes, called New Englishes, are recognized as part of the English language family and are being studied by many scholars. English is changing rapidly. What is in store for the future of the English language and what influence will it have in Japan? This paper will provide a brief overview on these issues.