梅原 次男 熊本 悦明 三熊 直人 伊藤 直樹 南部 明民 新田 俊一
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.67, no.3, pp.230-238, 1991-03-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

Salivary testosterone (Salivary-T) was measured in 133 normal boys at puberty (8-14 years old) and 21 adult males (24-36 years old) by using radioimmunoassay. Also, a simultaneous measurement was performed on salivary-T and serum total testosterone (Total-T) and free testosterone (Free-T) in order to study the correlation between saliva and serum.The results were summarized as follows:(1) Good correlations were observed in the values between Salivary-T and Total-T or Free-T. The correlation coefficient value was 0.54 between Salivary-T and Total-T, 0.84 between Salivary-T and Free-T when measured by DPC kit. Correlation coefficient value was 0.59 between Salivary-T by Wien kit and Total-T by DPC kit, also 0.77 between Salivary-T by Wien kit and Free-T by DPC kit.(2) Salivary-T, in the mean level, increased by age. The most rapid increase of Salivary-T was observed at 13 years of age.(3) Diurnal change of Salivary-T was observed at 13 years of age through adult age. Salivary-T level was highest in the morning and declined toward evening.(4) These results suggest that Salivary-T measurement was highly reliable and applicable for use in the monitoring of androgen status.
小六 幹夫 丹田 均 加藤 修爾 大西 茂樹 中嶋 久雄 南部 明民 新田 俊一 赤樫 圭吾 佐藤 嘉一 半澤 辰夫
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.48, no.6, pp.333-336, 2002-06

男性性感染症(STD)患者248例のアンケート調査結果について検討した.感染源は約70%の症例が友人やPick up(いわゆるナンパ)など,金銭の授受を伴わない相手であった.症状出現までに性交渉をもった相手の数は2.8人で,症状出現前のピンポン感染により一般のの人々にSTDが拡大している可能性が考えられた.STDに罹患したことをパートナーに伝えると回答した比率は,59.4%で高い比率では無かった.過去1年間の性交相手は平均5.8人で,若年層ほど高い傾向にあった.コンドーム装着率は12.4%(92/234)ときわめて低かった.Oral sexの頻度は82.0%(192/234)と高率であった.以上から,若年層において,広いsexual networkを形成し,無防備な性交が行われていることが考えられたIn Japan, there has been a rapid increase in recent years in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), particularly in teenagers and people in their twenties. To determine the factors causing this increase in STD, we carried out a questionnaire survey on the sexual behavior of Japanese males. The subjects were 248 male patients who were treated at our outpatient clinic. The results of the survey showed that 1) about 70% of the male patients were infected through sexual intercourse with partners who were not paid for such services; 2) the average number of partners in the past year was 5.8, and the average number of partners was highest for the teenage group and decreased with age; 3) only 29 (12.4%) of the 234 males used condoms; and 4) 192 (82.0%) of the 234 males received oral sex. The results of the survey suggest that a large "sexual network" has been formed among young Japanese people and that a large percentage of young Japanese people are engaged in unprotected sex.