南雲 千歌
ICU日本語教育研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13447181)
vol.3, pp.72-98, 1994-03-31

"...Teki" words are widely used in modern Japanese language. The affix "teki" was introduced into the Japanese language during the Meiji era, based on the "tic" sound of English adjectives-sytematic, automatic, etc. Establishment of "...teki" word usage in contemporary Japanese language within just a century manifests foreign influence in the diversification of Japanese vocabulary. Imbedded in the characteristics of "...teki" words are certain characteristics of the Japanese language. To study these characteristics, this paper analysed 1152 "...teki" words that appeared in the magazine CHUO-KORON (1992.11). Concluding from the analysis are five distinctive points: (I) Frequency of the usage of "...teki" words is dependent on the article's topic. Frequency of usage is comparatively higher in writings on publics compared to culture, (ii) The type of vocabulary used as prefix differs according to the topic of writing. The variation could be distinct as: (1) Kango, wago, gairaigo in topics on politics and social problems. (2) Kango and gairaigo in topics on culture. (3) Kango and wago in topics on literature. (4) Only kango are used in topics on history, health and advertisement, (iii) Notation of the prefix varies by the type of vocabulary. (1) kango are written in kanji. (2) Wago are written in kanji or kanji+hiragana. (3) gairaigo are written in katakana. (iv) Frequency of repeating the same "...teki" is higher in politics than in literature, (v) The range of the meaning of the prefix varies according to the article's topic.