川原 敬治 持永 芳文 前川 千明 佐藤 重勝
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.120, no.1, pp.96-103, 2000-01-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

Railway structures and traction substations suffered much damage by the Large-Magnitude Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. In electric railway substations, structures were cracked, also a number of pieces of equipment such as transformers and silicon rectifiers were damaged, insulation oil leaked, base anchorbolts were cut, and high-voltage equipment supports inclined, and insulators cracked because of crack in the ground and uneven subsidence. This report describes the survey results of damaged traction substations and explains an earthquake-proof design method for traction substation equipment.We surveyed natural frequencies of traction substations equipment below 170kV. This survey showed that natural frequencies of equipment below 170kV were in relatively high frequency area (about 10-20Hz) than those of equipment above 170kV. As the real dominant frequency of earthquake is several Hz, these equipments rarely cause resonance due to earthquake move, and moving responses are weak also.From the analysis of the gliding phenomena of heavy equipment, it is found that the horizontal acceleration is in the range of 0.4-0.6G. So anchorbolts should be protected from large bending moment. Definite plans are using longer anchor-sockets, stuffing gaps between equipment and base and removing anti-vibration rubber plates.
公文 富士夫 金丸 絹代 田原 敬治 角田 尚子 山本 雅道 林 秀剛
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.111, no.10, pp.599-609, 2005-10-15
3 12

木崎湖において2003年12月に採取した35cm長の柱状堆積物について検討し, 1969年以降の3回の大洪水の層準を認定した.その年代をもとにして平均堆積速度を求め, 有機炭素含有率の経年的な変化を求めた.一方, 1981年以降に木崎湖で行われてきた毎月の湖沼観測記録をまとめ, 21年間のクロロフィルα量の経年的な変化を明らかにして, 湖水中の生物生産量の指標とした.また, アメダス気象観測資料を用いて, 気温や降水量などの気象要素の資料を得た.これら3者間の相関を検討して, 有機炭素含有率は, 年間クロロフィルα量および冬の平均気温と有意な相関をもつことを見出した.冬の暖かさ(厳しい冬の短さ)が冬季の生物生産性を高め, それが年間の生物生産量に影響を与えて, 堆積物として沈積する有機物量を増加させたと考えられる.湖沼堆積物中の有機炭素含有率は, 過去の気温(冬の平均気温)の指標として有効である.