岩城 麻子 岩田 知孝 関口 春子 浅野 公之 吉見 雅行 鈴木 晴彦
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, no.4, pp.161-173, 2009

We studied the source model and the underground velocity structure model for quantitative estimation of long-period (3-20s) ground motion in the Oita Plain due to a hypothetical Nankai earthquake. First, the deep subsurface velocity structure of the Oita sedimentary basin was validated by a long-period ground motion simulation of the 2000 western Tottori earthquake records. The simulated waveforms reproduced the amplification and duration of the observed waveforms and peak periods of pseudo response spectra at strong motion stations both in and out the Oita Plain reasonably well. Then we combined the subsurface velocity structure with a crustal velocity structure and performed long-period ground motion simulations of a Nankai earthquake by a three-dimensional finite-difference method. The source model has a total area of 34,000 km<SUP>2</SUP> with total seismic moment of 6.24&times;10<SUP>21</SUP> Nm (<I>M</I><SUB>W</SUB> 8.5). In addition to the scenario in which rupture propagates from the east (east-hypo model) that have been generally accepted, we investigated another from the west (west-hypo model). For the east-hypo model, the maximum amplitudes of the simulated horizontal ground motion in the Oita plain was three to four times as large as that on a rock site beside the plain. Especially in the bay area, the maximum ground motion reached 100cm/s and the pseudo velocity response spectra at period 6-8s were more than 400cm/s. On the other hand, the ground motion simulated by the west-hypo model was roughly one fifth smaller than that by the east-hypo model. It is also pointed out that in the east-hypo model simulation, the seismic waves generated by the two asperities near to the Oita plain are enlarged due to the directivity effect and amplified and prolonged by the sedimentary basin structure.
染井 一寛 浅野 公之 岩田 知孝 宮腰 研 吉田 邦一 吉見 雅行
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.19, no.6, pp.6_42-6_54, 2019 (Released:2019-10-31)

2016年熊本地震および一連の地震活動による熊本県および周辺177地点での強震記録に対してスペクトルインバージョン法を適用し, 震源・伝播経路・サイトの各特性を分離した.地震基盤から地表までのS波サイト増幅特性は, 平野や盆地内の観測点では他点に比べ1 Hz付近で大きな値を示した.分離した182地震(MJMA: 3.0-5.5)の震源スペクトルから推定した応力降下量には, 震源深さ依存性が見られた.また, 分離したQs値は, 0.5-10 Hzの周波数帯域でQs=73.5f0.83とモデル化された.