喜多村 美保 友清 衣利子 前田 潤滋
一般社団法人 日本風工学会
風工学シンポジウム論文集 第18回風工学シンポジウム論文集
pp.000024, 2005 (Released:2005-07-20)

It is known that the spread of structural damage is more strongly affected by gust speeds than by maximum wind speeds. The authors have focused on the duration and fluctuation of wind gusts. The results of damage analysis based on the effects of Typhoon Bart in 1999 have indicated that the spread of damage has a higher correlation to the standard deviation of the wind gusts rather than to the intensity of turbulence. Comparisons of the time evolutions of wind records at selected observation points have indicated more serious damage at areas with higher fluctuations of wind speed. Although the above investigation is based on a survey of the damage of only one typhoon, it is suggested that fluctuation intensity as well as the duration of high wind speed is a significant factor in the spread of structural damage.