土倉 玲子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.2, pp.79-90, 2005

This questionnaire study examined the correlations among perceived relationship quality, marital activities, and conversation length in 177 middle-aged married couples. The results showed that : (1) conversation length was significantly correlated with the gap between a husband's and wife's evaluation of the quality of their relationship (EQR); (2) conversation length was positively correlated with EQR, but only for the wife; and (3) the degree of a respondent's under-or over-estimation of a partner's evaluation was not correlated with conversation length on both EQR and evaluation of activities. Results suggested that conversation length only affected the overall perception of relationship quality with a partner for the wife. Further, conversation length did not affect the degree of a respondent's under- or over-estimation of his/her partner's evaluation.