神田 文義 服部 祐介 中橋 満 堀内 満水雄
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.50, no.6, pp.443-444, 2004-06

53歳男.自慰目的で尿道口より径6mmのビニールチューブを3m挿入し,1m引き抜いた時点で,抜去不能となった.尿道を自己切開し,異物抜去を試みたがうまくいかなかった.翌日,尿漏,陰嚢腫大,発熱を主訴に受診した.膀胱高位切開による膀胱尿道異物除去術,尿道修復術を施行した.チューブが前立腺尿道部にはまりこみ,出血が著明であったので,尿道にバルーンカテーテルを留置,縫合した.膀胱瘻を造設し,膀胱前腔と陰嚢会陰皮下にドレーンを留置した.経過は順調で,術後21日目に尿道カテーテルを抜去し,術後24日目には膀胱瘻を抜去した.排尿状態は良好であったWe report a rare case of vesico-urethral foreign body with urinary fistula. On March 12, 2002, a 53-year-old single men inserted a 3 m vinyl tube 6 mm in diameter into his urethra by himself for the purpose of masturbation, but he could not remove the tube. He cut his urethra by himself and tried to remove the tube. The next day he was admitted to our hospital, with complaints of urinary fistula and fever. Open surgical removal of foreign body, cystostomy and repair of bulbous portion of the urethra were performed. At 24 days postoperatively the cystostomy and urethral catheter were removed and urination became smooth.
田口 裕功 堀内 満水雄 熊谷 治己 石塚 栄一
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.23, no.6, pp.829-832, 1969 (Released:2011-10-19)

Four cases of bladder foreign body were reported. In all cases, onanism was motives from which they inserted foreign bodies into the bladder. First two cases had the bladder calculi might be formed by the bladder foreign bodies.Case 1: -A 21 years old male had a piece of metal wire in the bladder for almost 10 years which introduced through the urethra. The bladder stone removed through suprapubic vesicotomy sized 7.0×4.5×4.0cm.Case 2: -A 26 years old male had a bladder stone produced by the pin like needle which might be introduced almost 10 years ago. A stone removed transvesically sized 4.0×4.0×4.3cm.In these 2 cases, the ureters were definitely dilated and vesico-ureteral refluxes were visualized in X-ray examiations.Case 3: -A 14 yers old male inserted a candle into the bladder due to onanism. This was visualized to be broken into several pieces by the cystoscopic examination and was removed with the endoscopic technique.Case 4: -This 34 yers old male stated that he inserted a fine elastic string 15 cm in length into the bladder accidentally. Despite it had been in the bladder only for 20 days, massive urine crystals attached around the elastic string. It succeeded to withdraw by transurethral approaches.