堀江 和代 菅瀬 君子 堀江 祥允
仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間生活学部篇 (ISSN:21853363)
no.2, pp.35-41, 2010

Five female volunteers aged at 15-18 years who belonged to a professional ballet studio in a fairly high level in the world were intervened for six months using the education program aiming at training their bodies by diet and exercise to attain16-17of BMI index and 16-18 percentages of body fat content. All the volunteers showed slight decreases in body fat, but failed to reach the starting goal. The failure seems to be attributedmainly to that the volunteers are not able to carry out ballet training as they consume lots of time at high school or college.
堀江 和代 菅瀬 君子 小嶋 汐美 堀江 祥允
仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間生活学部篇 (ISSN:21853363)
vol.4, pp.7-12, 2013-03-31

Food-cultural exchanges between Koreans and Japanese people since the ancient era have been widely known. In the present studies, the food acculturation of Koreans to the Japanese was studied. Three groups of volunteers, the Korean living either in Seoul(n=44, aged 45±5 years) or in Aichi prefecture, Japan(n=48, aged 45±10 years), and the Japanese living in Aichi prefecture,Japan(n=57, aged 43±9 years) were recruited. The participants answered a series of questions by questionnaires to measure the effect of Korean foods including seasonings on Japanese ones.The data collected showed that the daily meals of the Koreans living in Japan were affected well by both Korean and Japanese foods and a variety of seasonings, and they extended their daily menus, particularly the usage of traditional seasonings remained distinctively.