塚本 美恵子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.32, pp.111-133, 1990-03

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the concept of the term "TEKIO" and to report on the result of a survey done on school children who transfered schools. The term "TEKIO" originally used in biology is now commonly used. Although the function of "TEKIO" might be same, the concept or the definition of the term shows delicate shades of meaning depending on the research field. The English term of TEKIO is also different, like "adjustment" in psychology and "adaptation" in anthropology. In addition to these differences, the term "TEKIO" has a lot of synonyms. To make the concept clear and to avoid confusion, the term TEKIO should be used with a definition or an appropriate adjective. The aim of this survey was to determine the length of adjustment time and to identify facilitating factors when children encountered new environments: new schools, new classes and new friends. 29 school transfer children, their teachers and parents were administered questionnaires and later interviewed. Most teachers, 21 out of 29, concluded that these school tranfer children adapted within a couple of months. On the other hand, more than half children (17 out of 29) still preferred their former schools even when 6 months had passed. From an analysis of this survey, the following facilitating factors were identified: (1) prior school transfer experience, (2) parents positive attitude toward new environments, (3) active and outgoing girls in lower grades, (4) children who were given a chance to show their talent or skill among their classmates.
塚本 美恵子
映画英語教育研究 : 紀要 (ISSN:13429914)
no.8, pp.3-16, 2003-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to review a film-dubbing project. This film-dubbing project was planned mainly to develop students' English speaking ability through dubbing films in English. This 10-year project (155 groups participated, about 650 students in total) showed that there are two types of groups; one group had the tendency to try to read the scripts literally and the other one was the type of group which concentrated its attention on listening to the original conversations and copying them. Comparing these two types of groups, the latter showed better scores in English fluency than the former. This implies that the assignment of reading scripts aloud, which requires students to change letter media into sound media, requires more effort than repeating spoken conversation which uses only sound media. Students starting with sound media have shown preferable results. In other words, to promote students' speaking ability and fluency, media should be carefully chosen depending on students' level. It also reminds teachers that using sound media effectively would be an important factor to promote students' speaking ability and fluency.