大久保 弦
福井工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 自然科学・工学 (ISSN:03863352)
vol.39, pp.130-124, 2005-11-25

Sarashina-nikki, as follows, can divide into four parts. The first is a diary of the travel to Kyoto from east country. The second is a record of life at the Kyoto home. In this, an article of the separation with older sister by death is included. The third is a record of court life. The fourth is an article of visit to various temples and shrine. In these parts, it can recognize that several diaries and essays (Tosa-nikki, Kagerou-nikki, Murasakishikibu-nikki, Makura-no-soushi so on) have an influence on Sarashina-nikki. From this, you can understand that this diary has the various elements. So, what constitutes a characteristic feature on this work? This dissertation discussed mainly it. In the first part of this diary, the travel is written as opposition of the light space and the dark space. In the next place, it is pointed out that Kyoto home belongs to the latter. As for this opposition of two spaces, in the article of court life and worships it exists likewise. And in it, you can see that stories, the moon and dreams have been mediated between two spaces.
大久保 弦
福井工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05330181)
vol.39, pp.130-124, 2005-11-25

Sarashina-nikki, as follows, can divide into four parts. The first is a diary of the travel to Kyoto from east country. The second is a record of life at the Kyoto home. In this, an article of the separation with older sister by death is included. The third is a record of court life. The fourth is an article of visit to various temples and shrine. In these parts, it can recognize that several diaries and essays (Tosa-nikki, Kagerou-nikki, Murasakishikibu-nikki, Makura-no-soushi so on) have an influence on Sarashina-nikki. From this, you can understand that this diary has the various elements. So, what constitutes a characteristic feature on this work? This dissertation discussed mainly it. In the first part of this diary, the travel is written as opposition of the light space and the dark space. In the next place, it is pointed out that Kyoto home belongs to the latter. As for this opposition of two spaces, in the article of court life and worships it exists likewise. And in it, you can see that stories, the moon and dreams have been mediated between two spaces.