石井 徳章 阿南 景子 巻幡 敏秋 奥 達也 大原 健史
公益社団法人 土木学会
構造工学論文集 A (ISSN:1881820X)
vol.53A, pp.589-596, 2007 (Released:2007-08-01)

This paper describes a serious failure of 37-ton Tainter gate in Japan and presents its failure re-investigation, where the major characteristics of static structural strength and self-excited vibration are addressed with the aid of current FEM high technologies and our theoretical calculations developed for the 87-ton Tainter-gate failure at Folsom dam in California. The Tainter-gate failure occurred on July 2nd 1967 at W Dam, constructed at the upstream of Yura River in Kyoto Prefecture in Japan. The failure investigation at that time concluded that the radial strut structure was not high enough in strength for the hydrostatic load to induce the serious in-ward buckling failure of the main radial struts. In the present study, FEM simulations were made to address that the gate failure could not take place, caused only by the static hydraulic load. Subsequently, the theoretical calculations developed for the Folsom Tainter-gate failure was incorporated into FEM simulations to address that W gate also induced the coupled-mode violent self-excited vibration at its incipient failure, while the gate was being closed at small gate openings, closely similar as on the Folsom gate failure.
水野 修 大原 健史 野池 達也
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1997, no.573, pp.111-117, 1997-08-22 (Released:2010-08-24)
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豆腐製造工程で排出される残渣「おから」を基質とし, 嫌気性細菌によるおからの分解に伴う水素生成を, 35℃における回分実験により研究した. 固形物濃度を2.3-9.2%の範囲で変化させて, 累積水素生成量および水素生成活性に及ぼす固形物濃度の影響およびおからの分解特性を検討した.最大累積水素生成量は0.020m3・kg VS-1 (固形物濃度6.4%), 累積生成ガスの54-78%は水素であり, 累積水素生成量は固形物濃度による大きな影響を受けなかった. 水素生成は, おからより溶出した溶解性糖濃度の低下に伴って起こり, 主な代謝産物は酢酸, プロピオン酸, n-酪酸およびエタノールであった.