大平 勝馬
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.4, no.2, pp.1-12,59, 1969-10-15 (Released:2013-02-19)

本論文は筆者の検討せんとする身体的成熟度と精神発達との相関的研究に関する基礎的研究として, 身体的成熟度の指標とせる手根骨化骨核成長の標準値を求め, 更にその標準から求めた身体的成熟度の妥当性を検討したものである。(1) 標準成績はまず自0才至15才間1022名の手腕関節化骨核X線像に基づき, 核出現率, 出現化骨核X線像の平面測定による面積によつて作成した。(2) 化骨核面積は身長との間に高い相関を有することを認めた。(3) 次に体格の条件を考慮して, Gaussの最小自乗法に基づき「手根骨化骨核面積個人別標準及び骨格年令算出公式」を作成し, それから成熟指数を算定することにした。(4) 本公式より算出せる成熟指数と, 核出現率あるいは年令別面積標準値から求めた成熟指数との間に億高い一致度がある。(5) 更に公式より算定せる成熟指数と, 成歯状態, 初潮年令, 身長体重の増加, 体質係数より求めた発育指数との相関を検討せる結果, 体質係数との間以外は一般的に高い相関を示し, 筆者の定めた身体的成熟度に可成りの妥当性を認めた。(6) なお成熟指数によつて示される身体的成熟度には, 遺伝的要因が著しく多いことを認めた。
大平 勝馬
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.2, no.2, pp.34-36,57, 1969-10-15 (Released:2013-02-19)
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The present paper is a report on the study of the correlation between the degree of physical maturation, determined by the planimetric method of carpal bones, and personal character which is appraised by using Kraepelin numeral addition test, adjustment test and moral judgment test. The research and experiment were made during the period from May, 1952 to October, 1952. The number of subjects is 102-from 4th grade to 6th grade of elementary school children.The abstract of the result is as follows:1) the author found that there is correlation coefficient. 311 between the degree of physical maturation (indicated by growth quotient=G. Q) and the result of Kraepelin numeral addition test (indicated by Standard Score) and the γ is significant at 1 percent level.2) The γ between physical maturation degree and the result of adjustment test is. 195 and the γ is insignificant at the 5 percent level. But there is correlation ratio. 423 and the difference between r and n is significant at the 5 percent level.3) The result of moral judgment test indicates γ. 228 orη. 505 between the result and the physical maturation degree; then the γ and the difference between γ and η are respectively significant at the 5 percent level.4) There are deeper correlations between the result of three tests of personal character which were used in this study and the intelligence than the correlation between the test results and bodily maturation degree. Furthermore, the author studied last year that there is the low correlation between the physical maturation degree and intelligence. So if we recognize the common factor of intelligence between personal character and physical maturation degree, and remove the common intelligence factor, there is no correlation between personal character and bodily maturation degree. However if we do not consider about the intelligence factor, the author may conclude that there is actually a low but considarable correlation between personal character and physical maturation degree.