- 著者
大本 敬久
- 出版者
- 国立歴史民俗博物館
- 雑誌
- 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.191, pp.137-179, 2015-02
祖霊観念は日本人の間に抱懐されているものであり,民俗学の重要な課題とされてきた。柳田国男は『先祖の話』の中で「三種の精霊」として祖霊,新仏,無縁という異なる精霊の存在を提示し,盆行事に関する研究や正月の前後に行われる魂祭を研究する一つの指標とされてきた。本稿ではまず「祖霊」の用例を検討してみたが,柳田は「祖霊」の語彙を積極的には用いておらず,三種の精霊についても柳田は「みたま」を基本語彙として説明している。この「祖霊」を以て様々な民俗事例や歴史上の文献史料を解釈していくことは危険であり,その認識に立った上で平安,鎌倉時代における暮れの魂祭に関する文献史料,『枕草子』や『徒然草』等を確認した。また,これらの文献に見られる御魂祭と東日本に広く伝承されている「みたまの飯」については多くの研究者が関連づけて記述してきたが,本稿での検討の結果,正月が「祖霊」を祀る日であったわけではなく,少なくとも,そう遠くない直近の死者の魂が帰ってきて,食物を供えて饗応する日だったと考える方が適当であることを指摘した。そして平安,鎌倉時代に行われていた魂祭と現在の東日本の「みたまの飯」が時代的に連続しているという説にも再検討が必要である事を指摘した。そして,現在の正月とその前後に行われる死者霊の供養や祭祀について,東日本の「みたまの飯」,中国地方の「仏の正月」,四国地方の「巳正月」など,正月から死者供養などの儀礼を避けてきた結果,日本列島の中で正月前後の魂祭や死者供養の民俗に地域差が生じている事を明確にした。このように本稿は列島の民俗事例を俯瞰することで明らかになる地域差を提示した上で,歴史史料も積極的に援用し,比較検討を進めるという試論であり,列島の民俗分布をもとにどのような歴史的展開や社会的要因が背景としてあったのかを考察するという新たな比較研究法の提示を試みるものである。The concept of ancestor spirits cherished by the Japanese has been considered as an important issue in folklore studies. In his book "Senzo no Hanashi" (Story of Ancestors), Kunio Yanagida suggested the existence of three spirits: the spirit of an ancestor, the spirit of the newly deceased, and the spirit of the deceased who left no relatives behind. His theory has served as a basis for subsequent studies on the Bon Festival and the Mitama Festival (ancestral worship rituals in August and around January, respectively). First, this article examines the terminology of the word "ancestor spirit." The word was hardly used by Yanagida, who collectively called the three spirits "mitama" (the spirit of the deceased). In fact, it is often inappropriate to interpret folklore phenomena or historical documents with the concept of ancestor spirits. While keeping this in mind, this paper studies historical documents regarding the Mitama Festival at the end of each year in the Heian to Kamakura Period (794-1333), such as "Makura no Soushi" (The Pillow Book) and "Tsurezuregusa" (Essays in Idleness). The Mitama Festival described in these materials is related by many researchers with the New Year's offerings to mitama (ancestor spirits) in eastern Japan; however, after careful examination, this article points out that the New Year's Day was a day to make offerings to the spirits of the newly dead coming back to this world, rather than to honor the spirits of ancestors. Moreover, this article casts doubt on the view that the Mitama Festival in the Heian to Kamakura Period was transmitted without any interval to the present custom of the New Year's offerings to mitama in eastern Japan. Moreover, this paper indicates that differences between regions across Japan in ceremonies and rituals to remember the deceased around January, such as the New Year's offerings to mitama in eastern Japan, hotoke no shogatsu (a ritual after the third day of the New Year to remember the dead) in the Chugoku Region and mi-shogatsu (a ritual on the day of the Snake in early December to remember the dead) in the Shikoku Region, were caused by the reluctance of people to remember the deceased on the New Year's Day. Thus, indicating regional differences by taking a global view of folklore phenomena all over Japan, as well as actively referring to historical documents, this paper presents a preliminary analysis based on comparison. More specifically, this paper suggests a new comparative study method to clarify the background factors, such as historical movements and social effects, based on the analysis of folklore distribution in the country.