大竹 悠介 近藤 勝俊 藤田 恵美 小垣 哲也 櫻井 健一
一般社団法人 日本風力エネルギー学会
風力エネルギー学会 論文集 (ISSN:24363952)
vol.45, no.2, pp.23-30, 2021 (Released:2021-12-15)

A downwind turbine whose rotor surface is located on the leeward side with respect to the tower is expected to operate with high efficiency in up-flow wind. In addition, it is expected that a large amount of up-flow wind will be shown in mountainous areas that are common in Japan. Therefore, the wind conditions around the downwind turbine installed in the mountainous area were measured by Doppler LiDAR, and the wind turbine performance in the up-flow wind was evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that the power of the wind turbine tends to improve as the flow inclination angle becomes larger and closer to the wind turbine tilt angle.