山藤 和男 越山 篤 三沢 智一 奥田 紳太郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.59, no.564, pp.2368-2375, 1993-08-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
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The authors have investigated a parallel bicycle-type mobile robot which has a controlling arm and a working arm. In the previous papers, control methods for postural stabilization and several kinds of motion and experimental results for this vehicle were reported, in which basic movements including driving, standing up and falling down as well as use of working using the working arm were shown. However, the working capability was insufficient because the former working arm was constructed of only one link. In this study, a new type of vertical two-link working arm constituting of an overarm (first link), forearm (second link) and hand (gripper)was developed. A newly devised double-clutch mechanism is installed on the joint between the overarm and the forearm. It can be switched using wire actuators made of shape memory alloy (SMA). With the use of the clutch, rotation of the forearm and the hand is realized by switching the electric current provided for the wire actuators. Gripping motion of the hand is also attained by use of another SMA wire actuator. With the three kinds of wire actuator, we developed a lightweight working arm. This paper describes mechanisms of the working arm and motion control methods. Experimental results for motion using the working arm and postural stabilization of the robot by the controlling arm are also given. It is confirmed experimentally that the inverted pendulum-type mobile robot with the working arm developed in this study shows potential for use in the new automonous land vehicle.