山藤 和男 小林 剛 河村 隆
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.10, no.5, pp.648-654, 1992-09-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
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Postural control of a falling cat was investigated analytically and experimentally. The authors intended to develop such a robot as a cat that could restore her attitude at free fall by twisting and controlling the body. There are still contradictory and ambiguous explanations among the text books of physics or dynamics which deal twisting motion of a cat. Firstly, the principle of the twisting motion of a robot cat was analysed using a jointed double column model. And it was made clear analytically that a cat could restore her attitude by bending and twisting the body in the air. Then, the authors developed the robot cat which had vertebrate-type backbones and twisting mechanisms. It was confirmed experimentally that the robot cat could control its attitude by 180 degrees' rotation within 0.6 second when it was released upside-down at about 1.8m height in the air.
河村 隆 山藤 和男 小林 剛
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.57, no.544, pp.3895-3900, 1991-12-25

The authors developed a 3D moving robot 'ROBOT CAT' which could control its posture in the air and could perform soft landing. This paper describes the control method of the ROBOT CAT and the experimental results. An animal cat can control its body by turning motion when released upside down from a high place. In order to realize this turning motion, the ROBOT CAT was consisted in two parts (anterior and posterior body) connected with a flexible backbone which has two degrees of freedom of motion. The backbone proposed in this paper operates on two pairs of artificial rubber muscles driven by compressed air. It is possible that this motion is applied to the posture control of astronauts and space structures.
山藤 和男
一般社団法人 ターボ機械協会
ターボ機械 (ISSN:03858839)
vol.3, no.2, pp.566-574, 1975-03-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
田中 孝之 本多 幸太郎 山藤 和男
vol.2000, 2000

犬は訓練により, 空中に投げられたフリスビーや物体の落下する近くまで駆けて行って口で受けとめることができる。本研究はそのような犬の動作をロボットで実現するため, 多関節の二足をもつロボットを開発した。空中に放り投げられたこのロボットが空中でオイラー角を検出し, 足を常に地面に向けて軟着陸するようにゴム人工筋を制御することにより, ロボット犬の足からの軟着地実験に成功した。
山藤 和男 越山 篤 三沢 智一 奥田 紳太郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.59, no.564, pp.2368-2375, 1993-08-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
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The authors have investigated a parallel bicycle-type mobile robot which has a controlling arm and a working arm. In the previous papers, control methods for postural stabilization and several kinds of motion and experimental results for this vehicle were reported, in which basic movements including driving, standing up and falling down as well as use of working using the working arm were shown. However, the working capability was insufficient because the former working arm was constructed of only one link. In this study, a new type of vertical two-link working arm constituting of an overarm (first link), forearm (second link) and hand (gripper)was developed. A newly devised double-clutch mechanism is installed on the joint between the overarm and the forearm. It can be switched using wire actuators made of shape memory alloy (SMA). With the use of the clutch, rotation of the forearm and the hand is realized by switching the electric current provided for the wire actuators. Gripping motion of the hand is also attained by use of another SMA wire actuator. With the three kinds of wire actuator, we developed a lightweight working arm. This paper describes mechanisms of the working arm and motion control methods. Experimental results for motion using the working arm and postural stabilization of the robot by the controlling arm are also given. It is confirmed experimentally that the inverted pendulum-type mobile robot with the working arm developed in this study shows potential for use in the new automonous land vehicle.
盛 再権 山藤 和男
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.61, no.583, pp.1042-1049, 1995-03-25
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In the previous paper, in order to emulate a human riding a unicycle by a robot, a new model with two closed-link mechanisms and a controlling rotor (turntable) was proposed. By analyzing that model, we showed through simulation that both longitudinal and lateral stability of a human riding a unicycle can be satisfactorily emulated. In this study, we designed and manufactured a unicycle robot based on an idea proposed in the previous paper. Using the new method for detecting the posture of the robot in three dimensions, we conducted experiments on this robot under the proposed control method. The robot's posture was stabilized successfully in both longitudinal and lateral directions in three dimensions, and driving control was realized. The experimental results tell us that the proposed model and control method are effective in emulating the human riding a unicycle system by a robot. We believe that this is the first completely successful study in emulating a human riding a unicycle by a robot.