安達 崇之 町田 慎治 佐々木 彰 上原 圭太 関谷 秀介 安田 隆 柴垣 有吾
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.48, no.11, pp.657-662, 2015 (Released:2015-11-27)

症例は80歳女性. 糖尿病合併末期腎不全にて8年前より維持透析中の患者であり, 夜間に転倒, 歩行困難となったため, 当院救命センターへ搬送となった. 重度な外傷などはないものの, 炎症反応, 軽度意識障害が持続するため, 精査目的に腎臓内科へ転科となった. 各種検査で, 細菌・ウィルス感染症, 膠原病, 悪性腫瘍は否定的であった. 病歴を振り返ると, 透析導入初期より好酸球増多症を認め, 薬剤や透析機器に対するアレルギー反応が疑われ, 調整が行われていたが改善はなく, 特発性好酸球増多症との診断で, ステロイドが投与されていた. 今回の入院時も好酸球増多症が持続していたため, 詳細な鑑別を行い, その一環として寄生虫疾患の検索を施行し, 便より糞線虫を検出した. 呼吸器・消化器含む, 糞線虫症による臓器障害の所見は否定的であった. 透析患者における原因不明の好酸球増多時には, 頻発地域でなくても寄生虫疾患の除外が必要と考えられた.
樋尾 勝也 安達 崇 山田 隆志 土田 豊 中島 浩衛 細井 祐三
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.64, no.12, pp.1148-1155, 2000 (Released:2008-04-24)
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A study has been made on the effects of Al, Si and Mo on anodic polarization characteristics of Fe-10Cr alloys in 0.05-1.0 kmol·m−3 H2SO4 and NaCl aqueous solutions. Potential decay curves have also been measured in order to evaluate the stability of the passive films formed on Fe-10Cr alloys containing Al, Si and Mo. The analysis of the chemical composition of the passive film has been carried out by AES and XPS.The addition of Mo was very useful to decrease the critical passivation current density of Fe-10Cr alloys which contained Al and Si. The passive current density decreased with addition of 2 mass%Mo to an Fe-10Cr-3Si alloy, while it increased in an Fe-10Cr-3Al alloy. Pitting potential was moved toward the noble direction by the addition of Mo, except for the case of an Fe-10Cr-3Al-3Si-2Mo alloy. It seems that Laves phase (Fe2Mo) was precipitated in this alloy, and Mo-depleted zone was formed locally. The activation time was increased by the addition of Al, Si and Mo to Fe-10Cr alloys. Two step potential decay curves were obtained in Si-containing alloys, and this behavior of the decay curve was shown more clearly in an Fe-10Cr-3Si-2Mo alloy. The results of AES and XPS analysis indicated that Cr and Al concentrated in the passive film of an Fe-10Cr-Al alloy. In the case of an Fe-10Cr-Si alloy, Si concentrated in the surface region of the film and Cr did in the internal region of the film. The confirmation was not possible for the enrichment of Mo in the passive film.