山口 智江 平松 久典 宮原 兼二 伊藤 功治 中根 茂喜
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.11, pp.1257-1260, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

Since 1997, Chubu Rosai Hospital has been establishing the proper use of various antibacterial drugs through the activities of an infection control team (ICT), introduction of a notification system for specific antibacterial drug use, and intervention of ward pharmacists for individual cases. There is no infectious disease department, and we have been working closely with each other on multiple occupations. As an initiative, we established the Nagoya Southern Infection Countermeasures Meeting in 2006 and conducted antimicrobial use and resistance (AUR) surveys to promote the proper use of antimicrobial agents within the area. In April 2018, we formed an antimicrobial stewardship team (AST) and initiated activities. In addition, an AST pharmacist can share the AST results with the ward pharmacist, for proper use of antibacterial drugs and for early monitoring of infectious disease treatment and appropriate intervention, thus improving the efficiency of the ward pharmacist's work. This program will also lead to the development of training programs for the younger generation of pharmacists.