土井口 祐一 岩崎 勝郎 山田 健治 高端 克郎 手島 鍛 貞松 俊弘 富田 雅人 楢林 葉子
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.41, no.2, pp.641-645, 1992
33 15

This study was designed to identify the change in radiological shape of the pelvic cavity caused by sagittal pelvic inclination and to learn the correlation between inclination and progression of osteo-arthritis (OA) of the hip joint.<br>As a preliminary study, antero-posterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of 10 bleached pelves were taken simultaneously in seven different sagittal tilt angles.<br>The degree of sagittal tilt of the pelvis (A) was then compared to the longitudinal: transverse axis length (L/T) ratio of the radiological shape of the pelvic cavity in AP radiographs. This study revealed a linear relationship between the two parameters that led to the equation: A=-67.0°×L/T+55.7° in males and A=-69.0°×L/T+61.6° in females. Using this the sagittal pelvic tilt can be calculated from the radiological shape of the pelvic cavity.<br>Applying this equation to pelvic radiographs of 212 patients; 52 normal hips and 160 with OA hip of varying severity, pelvic tilt was calculated to investigate whether it relates to the aging of the patient or involves progression of OA.<br>There was a significant correlation between age and pelvic tilt angles of patients in both normal and OA hip groups; the pelvis tended to incline posteriorly with increasing age. Further studies are required to elucidate the participation of the pelvic inclination on progression of OA of the hip.
富田 雅人 宮田 倫明 野村 賢太郎 尾﨑 誠
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.67, no.2, pp.207-211, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-05-21)

[はじめに]比較的稀な手に発生した石灰化,骨化を伴う脂肪性腫瘍の症例を報告する.[症例]症例1.72歳,女性.1年程前に右手掌の1 cm大の腫瘤に気づき,その後右手背にも同様の腫瘤がある事に気づいた.腫瘤が徐々に増大したため近医を受診し当科紹介受診となった.単純X線にて右第3,4中手骨間に石灰化を伴う腫瘤をみとめた.切開生検を行った後に辺縁切除術を行った.病理診断は軟骨脂肪腫であった.症例2.74歳,男性.1年半程前に右母指,示指間の腫瘤に気づき近医を受診した.経過観察されていたが,腫瘤が増大したため当科紹介受診となった.単純X線にて右第1,2中手骨間に骨化を伴う腫瘤をみとめBPOPが疑われた.辺縁切除術を行い病理診断は骨化性脂肪腫であった.[考察]脂肪腫が軟骨化または骨化を伴う事は稀とされており,更にこのような腫瘍が四肢末梢に発生する事は稀とされている.文献的考察を加えて報告する.