小堀 鐸二
京都大学防災研究所年報 = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals (ISSN:0386412X)
no.1, pp.92-105, 1957-12-01

Recently, the Special Committee for Earthquake Resistant Reactor hasdiscussed on the earthquake hazard and aseismic design of a British type NuclearPower Station to be built in Japan. The aseismic design proposed at the Committeeby author is reported in this paper. As the structural parts of the reactor insidethe biological shielding structure-graphite pile, diagrid and pressure vessel etc.-where the post-operation repair work is not feasible, should be designed safelyagainst every possible damage due to the large displacement and acceleration ofthe earthquake, it is most desirable that these parts are not accelerated and de-formed by the destructive earthquake.Then the reactor is to be designed to have the low pass filter vibrating systemwith the nonlinear elasticity. That is to say, in details, the diagrid of the reactoris connected with the biological shielding concrete wall by the flexible steel wireropes and is placed on the concrete basement by the supporting columns that havehinged joints at each end. These wire ropes and columns are respectively designedas to safely resist the horizontal and vertical components of the seismic accelera-tion. Especially in Chapter 4, the low pass filter system of the reactor is analyzedand several numerical examples of it are calculated.
小堀 鐸二
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
vol.90, no.1089, 1975-02-20
小堀 鐸二 南井 良一郎
京都大学防災研究所年報 = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.3, pp.94-110, 1959-12-01

An aseismic method for a British type nuclear power station proposed by oneof the authors was reported in the previous paper. The authors have believed thatit would be very difficult to design earthquake resistant reactors of this type withcomplete safety, without this aseismic method which transmits the action of adestructive earthquake motion as little as possible. In this paper, the theoreticalinvestigation on this method is still more developed and the following proposal forinstallation of various types of nuclear power stations is written. That is to say, the nuclear power station is to be located in rock of a peninsula. Major advantagesto be gained by this reactor installation may be listed as follows.1) The nuclear reactor located in rock is invulnerable to earthquake shocksand is not subject to disturbing surface phenomena such as typhoons, floods, etc.2) The reactor can ha located in a comparatively densely populated area.3) Effective containment in case of an accident can be obtained in rock excava-tion.
西村 功 山田 俊一 坂本 光雄 近藤 明洋 小堀 鐸二
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.505, pp.61-68, 1998
4 1

Discussed in this paper is the vertical load supporting mechanism of laminated rubber bearings with hollow circular sections. The compressive stiffness of the hollow circular rubber bearings is analytically studied. Key issues discussed in this paper are 1) derivation of the governing equation that determines the compressive stiffness of the device 2) effect of bulk modulus on the compressive stiffness 3) proposition of a simple formula which is close to the rigorous solution. As a result of this analytical study, the compressive stiffness of the rubber bearings is proved to be 20 % smaller than is expected from the commonly used conventional model.