小山 雄一郎
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2002, no.15, pp.153-164, 2002

This paper aims at describing an aspect of traffic accident problems from a sociological point of view by examining institutional procedures of accident investigations called &lsquo;jikky&ocirc;-kenbun&rsquo;. &ldquo;Interpretative frames&rdquo; for evaluating professional negligence resulting in injury or death used by the police greatly influence the process of production of &lsquo;jikky&ocirc;-kenbun&rsquo;. However, those records are presented as <i>objective</i> data, describing the factual elements of the accident. As a result, numerous actors that may have had a decisive role in the accident are made invisible, which allows the social system to attribute the responsibility of the accident only to the persons directly involved.