小柴 順子
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.10, no.1, pp.9-15, 2000

精神保健福祉士が誕生して1年が経過した.当事者や家族, 精神科医療チームから大きな期待を受けている.社会福祉学をその学問基盤としている精神保健福祉士が, 精神科医療チームに加わる意義は大きい.生活モデルをもとに, 社会福祉学の理論体系と援助技術を発揮して, 社会的存在である人としての精神障害者の援助にあたって欲しい.また, 自らも資質向上に努め, 社会資源の開発, 啓発活動などの社会的活動も行ってもらいたい.ただ, 関係者の期待が大きいだけに, 張り切り過ぎず, 当事者が自らエンパワメントできるようにサポートする適切な距離をとることが必要と考える.病院, 施設, 地域社会で本当に専門職として受け入れられるかどうかは, 今後の活躍如何にかかっている.きびしいが, 地道な働きを期待している.A year has passed since psychiatric social workers were licensed. Great expectations have been placed on them by mentally handicapped people, their families and other members of mental treatment teams. They are an important part of mental treatment teams. Because their studies are based on social welfare, they are expected to support mentally handicapped people the theories and practices of social work. Psychiatric social workers should endeavor to develop new resources to promote normalization for handicapped people. Psychiatric social workers must work hard to become effective members of the treatment teams. If they succeed in doing a good job, they will be accepted by the specialists at hospitals, it is hoped that other facilities and the community in general. Their contributions will improve and grow.
小柴 順子
広島大学保健学ジャーナル (ISSN:13477323)
vol.6, no.2, pp.95-101, 2007-09

Hikikomori (Social withdrawal) has recently been examined as a problem facing Japanese society. Despite the issuance of guidelines by the Japanese government, the creation of parent groups and the availability of support from various government agencies and private organizations, no countermeasure policy has been established. Research on Hikikomori as a problem for the entire family and analysis of functioning in cases of Hikikomori has not been carried out.Hikikomori is seen in the same home and two or more cases are often seen. Then, it thought whether having related to the family function.This study is to find the Hikikomori family's characteristic and make available the clue of the method to it.The present study examines family functioning associated with cases of Hikikomori by assessing 16 families with social withdrawal, 15 families with autism, and 25 control families using the Family Assessment Device (FAD). The seven subcategories of the FAD [Problem Solving (PS), Communication (CM), Roles (RL), Affective Responsiveness (AR), Affective Involvement (AI), Behavior Control (BC) and General Functioning (GF)] were analyzed by a multiple comparison test. Statistical significance was established at p<0.01 or p<0.05.Results demonstrated that families with Hikikomori have higher CM, AR and GF scores than families with autism, and higher PS, CM and GF scores than control families. Furthermore, PS scores for fathers with a family member with Hikikomori scored higher than the control fathers. The PS, CM and GF scored for mothers with a family member with Hikikomori were higher than those of the control mothers, and than mothers with a family member with autism. Also, the AR scores for mothers with a family member with Hikikomori were found to be higher than those of the control mothers. No marked differences were observed between the control and autism groups in any of the scores for the families, fathers, or mothers.While measures and social support are available for autism, the lack of clarification regarding the cause and measurement of Hikikomori appears to have contributed to the observed differences in FAD scores.Mother feels that the family function is the worst in the family, because there are a lot of items with a significant difference of the FAD score.Therefore, appealing to and mother of the solution of "Hikikomori" obtained the suggestion of effective.