湯谷 賢太郎 小森 瑞樹 浅枝 隆
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.I_1429-I_1434, 2013 (Released:2014-03-31)
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To evaluate the physical bioturbation on tidal flat by the burrowing activity of Ilyoplax pusilla and Scopimera globosa, collapsed and renewed rates of the burrows, population densities and carapace widths, and correlationship between burrow physical parameters and crab carapace widths were investigated on the Banzu tidal flat. Burrowing activity of the crabs developed new ground surface on the inside face of borrows. Therefore, a ground surface area of tidal flat was increased 31.9 % by I.pusilla and 16.5 % by S.globosa, respectively. Soil-turnover rates induced by burrowing activities were found to be 7331 cm3/m2/month in I.pusilla and 9119 cm3/m2/month in S.globosa, respectively. This indicates that 11 % and 13 % of the soils from surface to a depth of burrow bottom were turned over by I.pusilla and S.globosa respectively for a month.