小椋 陽介
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.67, no.7, pp.683-693, 1978-07-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

腎がカルシウム調節ホルモンの一つである活性型ビタミンDとくに1, 25-(OH)3-D3を産生することが明らかにされてから,慢性腎不全に合併するカルシウム代謝異常とくに骨病変の解明は大きく進展した.すなわち慢性腎不全では,腎での1, 25-(OH)2-D3が産生が低下し,これが腎性骨病変の重要な因子と考えられ,その治療には, 1.25-(OH)2-D3そのものを補充するか,または腎での反応を必要とせずに活性型ビタミンDとなるアナログが開発され,臨床応用が検討されるようになつた,しかし,これで解決したように思われた腎不全におけるカルシウム代謝異常の治療も, 1, 25-(OH)2-D3に対する無反応を示す例もみい出されるようになり, 1, 25-(OH)-D3以外のビタミンD代謝物の役割についても関心がもたれつつある.
増淵 興一 小椋 陽 石原 芳忠 星野 二郎
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1954, no.95, pp.161-171, 1954 (Released:2007-05-28)

In case of constructing the welded steel ships, the wavy deformation of the shell plate is liable to occur by the fillet welding of shell plates and frames or floor plates.This unfairness may not only spoil the appearance of the shell plate but also reduce the buckling strength of it.This study was performed for the purpose of surveying the mechanism of origination and the method of reducing this deformation.The specimen used in this experiment is a constrained frame works as shown in Fig. 1. The deformation and the reaction stress originated in the plate due to welding were measured by the dial gauge and the electric resistance wire strain gauges respectively. These measurement were performed after the welding of each layer.The results obtained are summarized as follows:-1) Fundamental nature of this problemThis problem of residual stress can be treated as the problem of reaction stress originated by constraining the angular change due to welding. Accordingly, the angular change and the reaction stress can be calculated from the measured deformation using“beam theory.”2) Effect of welding procedures on the angular change(i) Weight of deposit metalAngular change due to welding increases as the increase of the weight of the deposit metal. There approximately exists a linear relation between the logarithm of the weight of the rod consumption and the angular change. Accordingly, it seems to be a benefit-able practice for reducing the deformation and reaction stress to decrease the weight of deposit metal or the leg length.(ii) Effect of rod diameterSize of rod diameter seems to have little effect on the angular change when the weight of deposit metal is equal.(iii) Effect of the degree of constraintDegree of constraint seems to have a remarkable effect on the angular change.Accordingly, the additional constraint, such as a kind of strong backs, attached to the shell plate may reduce the deformation and reaction stress.