小鳥 萌子 小平 英志
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.33, no.2, pp.105-119, 2022-04-08 (Released:2022-05-02)

Contemporary Japanese adolescents tend to be Ijiri-Ijirare oriented, which is defined as playful communication using aggressive expressions that are not intended to hurt others. However, it is unclear why contemporary Japanese adolescents are Ijiri-Ijirare oriented. To clarify the reasons for the Ijiri-Ijirare orientation, we developed the Ijiri Oriented Scale. We examined its relationship with the porcupine dilemma, defined as conflicts concerning psychological distance with friends. College student participants (N=318) completed the Ijiri Oriented Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis of their responses indicated a three factors structure: “Ijiri-Ijirare orientation”, “Ijiri preference“, and “Ijirare preference.” The three-factor structure of the scale, each assessed by five items, had an acceptable fitness level. Then, we conducted multi-group structural equation modeling to test the links between Ijiri orientation and the porcupine dilemma. Results indicated that specific indicators of psychological distance impacted Ijiri orientation but not the porcupine dilemma. The Ijiri preference increased to avoid feeling hurt and decreased when adolescents tend to be prosocial. Moreover, Ijirare preference increased to avoid making others feel hurt or lonely.