山下 大喜 YAMASHITA Daiki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.67, no.1, pp.37-45, 2020-09-30

Hu Shih (1891-1962) is well-known as the key founder of literature reform (文學革命) in modern China. One of his papers "Wenxue gailiang chuyi(文學改良芻議)" played an important role at the onset of literature reform, in which he proposed the adoption of vernacular Chinese as the language of new literature. His view on the form and substance of literature was exposed to bitter criticism from the Chinese Marxists. Because of the class struggles in the mid of 1950s, his theory was overly regarded as an idealism approach in opposition to materialism. This paper analyzes Hu Shih's statements concerning the form and substance of Chinese literature. The analysis of this paper reveals that Hu Shih fixed the order of priority for reforming Chinese literature from form to substance. He gave priority to the richer substance for new literature as he believed that the rich substance of new literature could only be expressed after the problems surrounding the rigid forms of Chinese literature were removed.研究は科研費(特別研究員奨励費)の助成を受けたものである。