水野 (松本) 由子 田中 康仁 林 拓世 岡本 永佳 西村 治彦 稲田 紘
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-24, 2010-02-10 (Released:2010-11-17)

The aim of this research was to assess the physiological signals which were relevant working efficiency under mental workload. Eleven healthy subjects were examined. In the first step, their mood status and stress level were evaluated with questionnaire methods:“Profile of Mood States (POMS)” and “Stress Self Rating Scale (SSRS)”, respectively. In the second step, electroencephalography (EEG) and photoplethysmography under the mental workload tasks in four auditory stimuli (silent circumstance, white noise, classical music, and up-tempo music) were measured. The mental workload tasks consisted of two parts:performing Uchida-Kraepelin test (calculating task:CAL) on PC monitor in two minutes and fixating on a crosshair image (after CAL) in two minutes. A procedure of the mental workload task in each auditory stimulus was repeated three times. EEG data were analyzed using a discrete Fourier transform to obtain power spectral density (PSD) in theta, alpha, and beta bands. Pulse waves from photoplethysmography were analyzed for estimating the pulse wave amplitude (PWA) and length (PWL). PSDs of theta band in silent circumstance and classical music under and after CALs, alpha band in classical music under and after CALs, and beta band in up-tempo music under CAL on most or all areas were significantly larger than those in the other auditory stimuli. The results of photoplethysmography analysis showed that changes of PWA and PWL in silent circumstance and classical music were more stable than those in the other auditory stimuli. It was suggested that the classical music would not only affect brain activity under the mental workload and augment the efficiency of it, but also facilitate recovery of the physiological conditions from the stressful situations. These events from the physiological point of view showed that working environments could be considered to avoid adding stress on the brain function and autonomic nervous system during and even after the tasks.
澤村 貫太 岡本 永佳 浅川 徹也 水野(松本) 由子
一般社団法人 日本総合健診医学会
総合健診 (ISSN:13470086)
vol.40, no.2, pp.253-258, 2013 (Released:2013-11-01)

幼少期の親子関係において良好な関係を築けなかった人は、青年期において人間関係構築の困難や精神疾患を引き起こす可能性が示唆される。そこで、健常成人87名を対象に内的作業モデル尺度(Internal Working Model: IWM)、気分プロフィール検査(Profile of Mood States: POMS)とCornell Medical Index(CMI)を用いて、青年期の親子関係と気分状態・心身状態を調べることを目的とした。IWMを用いて安定型、回避型、アンビバレント型の得点を被検者ごとに求めた。さらに、各被検者の得点のうち最も高値を示した型に基づいて、被検者を安定群、回避群、アンビバレント群に分類した。3群におけるIWMとPOMS、CMIの関連を統計的に比較した。IWMとPOMSを比較した結果、安定群は気分状態が安定していた。アンビバレント群はネガティブな気分状態が高値を示した。回避群では有意な特徴はみられなかった。IWMとCMIを比較した結果、安定群の心身状態は健康であった。回避群は身体的自覚症が高値を示した。アンビバレント群は精神的自覚症が高値を示した。今回の結果より、安定群はストレスに対する抵抗性が高く情緒的に安定していると考えられた。回避群は心理的苦痛を身体症状に転換し逃避するために、身体的自覚症状が顕著にみられると考えられた。アンビバレント群は自己不全感が強く、愛着反応に対して強いストレスを感じており、ストレスに対する脆弱性が高くなることで精神的自覚症が顕著にみられたと考えられた。これらのことより、親子関係と青年期の気分状態や心身状態が関連していることが示された。青年期における不適切な愛着関係を早期発見、修正することで精神疾患を予防することができることが示唆された。
水野 松本 由子 田中 康仁 林 拓世 岡本 永佳 西村 治彦 稲田 紘
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-24, 2010-02-10

The aim of this research was to assess the physiological signals which were relevant working efficiency under mental workload. Eleven healthy subjects were examined. In the first step, their mood status and stress level were evaluated with questionnaire methods:“Profile of Mood States (POMS)” and “Stress Self Rating Scale (SSRS)”, respectively. In the second step, electroencephalography (EEG) and photoplethysmography under the mental workload tasks in four auditory stimuli (silent circumstance, white noise, classical music, and up-tempo music) were measured. The mental workload tasks consisted of two parts:performing Uchida-Kraepelin test (calculating task:CAL) on PC monitor in two minutes and fixating on a crosshair image (after CAL) in two minutes. A procedure of the mental workload task in each auditory stimulus was repeated three times. EEG data were analyzed using a discrete Fourier transform to obtain power spectral density (PSD) in theta, alpha, and beta bands. Pulse waves from photoplethysmography were analyzed for estimating the pulse wave amplitude (PWA) and length (PWL). PSDs of theta band in silent circumstance and classical music under and after CALs, alpha band in classical music under and after CALs, and beta band in up-tempo music under CAL on most or all areas were significantly larger than those in the other auditory stimuli. The results of photoplethysmography analysis showed that changes of PWA and PWL in silent circumstance and classical music were more stable than those in the other auditory stimuli. It was suggested that the classical music would not only affect brain activity under the mental workload and augment the efficiency of it, but also facilitate recovery of the physiological conditions from the stressful situations. These events from the physiological point of view showed that working environments could be considered to avoid adding stress on the brain function and autonomic nervous system during and even after the tasks.